Aprilthescrapaholic has an awesome kit out called Kiss Me. This kit has great elements and paper. Visit April's blog to more pages and kits. Here is a preview of the kit.
Aprilthescrapaholic has a great kit called Mardi Gras. Hurry over to her blog and see the quick pages she has. You can get this kit and others at her store at ScrapitSassy.
April of Aprilthescrapaholic has a new kit called New Years Eve. It is great for all your party pictures and more.Go to her blog to see more qp's. Here is a preview of the kit:
Preview of a quick page I made using the kit. Download Here
Hi! My name is Nita. I love to craft. I started doing ceramics about 25 years ago ( did I say that). About 2 years ago I started doing paper crafts. I've enjoyed this and have met alot of very nice ladies on different message boards. Let me know you stopped by and have a great day crafting!!! Hugs